“EAA Chapter 643 Inc.” is member supported, dedicated to the advancement of aviation, and supports quality educational initiatives including scholarship programs for pilot flight training.
EAA Chapter 643 Inc. is affiliated with the national Experimental Aviation Association (EAA) and is a recognized New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation. We are also a recognized public charitable organization under US Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).
As a tax-exempt organization, donations, bequests, devises, transfers or gifts provided to EAA Chapter 643 Inc. are deemed tax deductible under IRS section 170.
Federal EIN: 83-3592015 NJ: 045034977519
EAA Chapter 643 Inc. bylaws, as approved by the Board of Directors
(1/21/2019), are available here. Chapter
Officers are elected by members at the annual meeting, usually held in November
each year. EAA Chapter 643 Inc. leaders can be contacted by email or
telephone available at www.eaa643.org
(see Contacts tab). Mail and/or official
correspondence should be directed to:
EAA Chapter 643 Inc.
c/o Doug Logg9 Maplewood RoadMilford, NJ 08848
More about EAA Chapter 643
We are an active EAA chapter that supports all types of aviation including:
· Experimental & Certificated Aircraft
· Antiques & Restored Aircraft
· Gyrocopters & Helicopters
· Powered Parachutes & Ballooning
· Light Sport Aircraft
We are very supportive of building experimental aircraft as many of our members have built and flown new aircraft from our very airfield. At any given time, we have several members who are actively working on their projects. Our member Tech Counselors are willing to help advise builders on their projects as are many other experienced members.
We believe in and actively support the future of aviation with our Young Eagles Program. Each year, Chapter 643 members offer experience flights to children and adolescents as part of this highly successful EAA program.
We support a targeted Scholarship Program intended to help student pilots finish their training and successfully join the pilot community.
We attract a diverse, aviation loving membership - mostly from central NJ and eastern PA. Our members include Sport, Private, Commercial & ATP pilots; civilian & military; CFIs and other educators; builders of experimental aircraft, A&P Mechanics and, of course, students. We have a full range of members, some who have flown around the world in their aircraft, as well as many non-pilot aviation enthusiasts.
We usually meet at Sky Manor Airport the third Monday of each month at 6PM to eat and socialize. From 7PM to 9PM, we gather to listen to interesting speakers, to share experiences and to learn from each other. Some of our meetings are moved to airport hangers in warmer months, where we may offer hands on workshops.
We are an active chapter in many other ways as well:
- Every September we host our annual Chapter Fly-In at N40.
- We organize field trips to interesting places like aviation museums & airport control towers for our members. (i.e. Tour of the site of the Hindenburg Tragedy at NAS Lakehurst)
- Throughout the year, many of our members fly out in groups to interesting destinations up and down the east coast. Recent trips included Tangier Island, Cape May, Block Island, Eagles Mere and Kitty Hawk.
Last updated: 7-5-2023