Scholarships Sponsored by EAA Chapter 643

Don Gordon Scholarship                 Ray Scholarship 

EAA Chapter 643 of Sky Manor Airport provides scholarship opportunities for student pilots in pursuit of their Private Pilots Certificate. The purpose of the scholarships is to grow the general aviation community by assisting additional pilots, who share our passion for aviation. Follow the above links for further information on each program.  

Please consider supporting our scholarship efforts, donation information is listed below.

Thank you.        


EAA Chapter 643 is accepting donations dedicated towards the Donald R. Gordon Memorial Scholarship program.  All donations will be used exclusively for aviation scholarships.  

If you would like to donate to the fund by check, please make checks payable to:

EAA643 Donald R. Gordon Scholarship Fund

Checks should be mailed to the Treasurer of EAA Chapter 643 as follows:

Neil Rosoff
100 Central Park South
New York, NY 10019

We are an IRC Section 501(c) (3) charity.   All donations are tax deductible.  


Last updated: 1-17-2024